See Ya Later Alligator

We are so fortunate at Headquarters! Everyday we get to connect with new people and cultivate relationships with our loyal clients. However, today I would like to focus on the ladies that make up the HQ staff. We spend every day, week and year with each other (which could go either way: mortal enemies or chaotic family). I think we’ve all been blessed with this chaotic family of ours and just like any other family nerves are tested but the love we feel for each other is real and the support is eternal.

Today I’d like to grab the spotlight and shine it on the one and only Rachel Carpenter! In all honesty, I’ve procrastinated writing this in some misguided attempt to fight reality. The raven haired beauty, that brightens everyone’s day from the front desk, is leaving us on July 30th. Rachel started working at HQ in the Spring of 2017 as a full time college student without any certainty of what direction she wanted to take her higher education. It was a conversation she struck up with a client here that lead her to Occupational Therapy (a passion that is fascinating to watch her talk about) and then the pursuit of St. Augustine’s Master’s Program.

This author witnessed first hand the hours and stolen moments throughout the day she spent studying. I thoroughly enjoyed quizzing her through anatomy and pathology classes and what seemed to be a never ending parade of exams. She never gave up, even when she completely doubted her own capabilities. Her dedication and persistence has been inspirational while her fashion sense is positively aspirational.

Saturday will be a bittersweet day full of tears, so I’ll get my point across now… Rachel, it’s hard to think about not seeing you at least every other day but we are always rooting for you, we love you infinitely and you always have a home here (if you don’t visit there will be hell to pay)! So since I’m not okay with an outright goodbye, for now I’ll just say….

In a while Crocodile!


Power Hour


Headquarters’ Vision